JVL Capital’s privacy policy was developed in order to express the company's commitment with the safety and privacy of the collected informations from users of services and contents available on this website.

Investors and analysts may visit this website and get to know the services provided by JVL. They can also get knowledge of various subjects and news without providing any personal data. In case you provide any information, this police aims to show how the company obtain and treats your individual information. It is recommended to periodically check this policy, which may change without previous notice.

  1. The informations provided by users who may want to have access to private company data will be collected and stored according to strict security and confidentiality standards.
  2. The personal information that have been provided to JVL Capital by users will be collected through ethical and legal means, and it may have one or more purposes, upon which users will be notified.
  3. Users will be notified about which of their information will be obtained before they are collected. Thus, there will be the option of providing or not these data, under the responsability of the user, who will also be aware of his decision’s consequences.
  4. Unless JVL Capital receives an ordinance (legal or judicial) your information will never be transferred to third parties, or used for purposes other than those for which it was collected.
  5. The acess to registered users data is restricted to authorized personnel that can adequately use the information. Employees that unduly use such data, going against our privacy policy, will be subject to the penalties of the disciplinary process of our company. JVL Capital strictly forbids the improper use of these informations.
  6. JVL Capital is committed to maintaining the integrity of the information provided by visitors.
  7. Whenever other organizations are hired to provide support services, the adequation to JVL Capital privacy standards will be required.
  8. For administrative purposes, ocasionnally the company may use "cookies" (*), and the user may, at any time, use his browser mechanisms to inform him when cookies are activated.
  9. Other important informations on the terms and conditions of this website will be available in 'Conditions of Use'.

Cookie: * Cookie: small file on your computer to track movements within websites.